
08. Josefstadt

Gasthäuser, Beisln und Cafés in der Josefstadt


Die Ausstellung zum Tag der Wiener Bezirksmuseen 2019.

Fotos aus der Ausstellung „Gasthäuser, Beisln und Cafés in der Josefstaft“ Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, 2019

Von der Schlapfenpromenade am Glacis bis in die Weingärten am ehemaligen Linienwall gab es um 1850 im Gebiet der heutigen Josefstadt zahlreiche Vergnügungsstätten. Volkssänger und Sängerinnen unterhielten das Publikum.

Zur Ausstellung ist die Publikation „SCHWARZER BOCK, BLAUER HECHT. Die Josefstädter Gaststätten von ihren Anfängen bis in die 1960er Jahre“ erschienen.

Aus der Ausstellung: Gasthäuser, Beisln und Cafés in der Josefstaft, Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, 2019

Aus der Ausstellung: Gasthäuser, Beisln und Cafés in der Josefstaft, Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, 2019

Aus der Ausstellung: Gasthäuser, Beisln und Cafés in der Josefstaft, Bezirksmuseum Josefstadt, 2019

New “Gasthaus” exhibition at the 8th District Bezirks Museum celebrates the “Guest Houses” of the local Josefstadt neighborhood.

With more than 100 photos, drawings, maps and prints, visitors can explore the unique world of the 8th District Gasthaus, which is variously translated as a Guest House, Pub or Inn, in English.  For locals, visitors and tourists, alike, the typical Josefstadt Gasthaus has, for generations, offered a kind of combined restaurant and social living room space, for gathering, conversation and enjoying the menu of a classic Viennese kitchen, which typically includes a variety of home-style beef, chicken pork and vegetarian dishes, complemented by Austrian wines and the tasty beers of Mitteleuropa.  Meals are often followed by desserts that please even the most particular Viennese “sweet tooth” and, perhaps, a Schnapps after dinner.

As this historic, one-of-a-kind exhibition shows, there were more than one hundred Gasthauses in the Josefstadt District.  Many are still operating today.  Their habitués have included local friends, neighbors, visiting travelers, students, political figures, students and various social groups of card players, stamp collectors, book clubs, sports teams and more.

Guesthouse décor typically consists of dark, rustic natural wood paneling, an abundance of coat hooks, and walls that are likely to be festooned with mounted stag antlers and folkloric memorabilia.  There is always a variety of newspapers on wooden holders.  Tables are sometimes shared and are plain wood or simply decorated with printed table cloths.  A friendly, congenial wait-staff adds to what some have called “a truly convivial experience, much more than just eating and drinking.”

Experience the living history of past and present Guest Houses of the historic Josesftadt neighborhood of Vienna’s architecturally unique 8th District Josefstadt.